Welcome to KONGBOTS. This version is based on a board game produced by FASA Corporation, which I found to be very entertaining. My only complaint was the ammount of work necessary to keep track of the game parameters. So, I let the Mac do that! Kongbots is a fun and diverse game of skill and luck. Each game can be as different as your immagination. You arm your Kongbots by choosing from an assortment of offensive and defensive weapons, then place them in the Arena where they get their first glimpse of their opponent(s). Did you choose the right weapons to defeat your enemy? Only time will tell. Each game gives you an opportunity to try a different combination of armament and strategy. Success and failure are determined by a throw of dice and your skill. Good hunting! TERMINOLOGY A TURN in Kongbots has a little different meaning than most players are used to. Several actions by each player can take place during the period defined as a turn. A turn in Kongbots is divided into five pulses. Each pulse is further divided into six phases. A phase is the basic unit of play in the game of Kongbots. Phases always follow the same order within each pulse. The six phases are defined as follows: 1) Systems Malfunction Phase 2) Missile Launch Phase 3) Laser Systems Fire Phase 4) Missile Movement Phase 5) Kongbot Movememt Phase 6) Claw Attack Phase For any given phase, action is allowed (when appropriate) for one team, and then the other. The team which is allowed to go first depends on which team's leader had the most Retros at the BEGINNING of that TURN. In summary, what most players think of as a turn is called a phase in this game. The collection of all possible actions (Laser fire, Clawing, Moving...) make up one pulse. Five collections of such actions (five pulses) make up a turn. The reason for defining a turn in this way is that Lasers can only be fired once per five pulses (one turn) and Kongbots only have to check for a malfunction once per five pulses (one turn again). A box at the bottom of the screen is used to keep track of the current pulse number. The box is divided into five equal rectangles. A new turn begins when only the first rectangle is shaded. Another box in the bottom right portion of the screen is used to show the current phase of the current pulse. The current phase is indicated by bold face print. WINNING THE GAME There are two possible winning conditions. 1) When the opposing team looses all of its offensive weapons. Offensive weapons are Lasers, Claws, and loaded Missile Launchers. 2) When each Kongbot on the opposing team is forced to surrender. Kongbots are forced to surrender after malfunctioning three consecutive turns. Ties are also possible. In the event of a tie, Players should immediately play a rematch using Kongbots identicle to those used in the tie game. PLAYING THE GAME Each turn is divided into five equal pulses. Each pulse consists of six phases. The phases are played out as follows: Remember, the Kongbot team to go first is the team who's leader has the most retros at the BEGINNING of the TURN. In case of a tie, the team to go first is randomly selected. PHASE 1 - Systems Malfunction This phase differs from the others in that it only applies in the first pulse. Malfunctions can only occur at the beginning of each turn (during the first pulse) and last for the entire turn. Furthermore, the possibility of a malfunction only exists when a Kongbot has fewer than one half of the number of modules it started with. (ie when a Scout has less than three modules, when a Warrion has less than six modules or when a Marauder has less than nine modules). If there exists a possibility of a malfunction, then the following steps are used to determine whether a Kongbot actually does malfunction for the current turn. One die is rolled for each tender level (six modules) on the Kongbot. If the number rolled is greater than the number of modules remaining then the Kongbot has malfunctioned. If not, then the Kongbot is allowed to complete the turn normally. NOTE: If a Kongbot malfunctions on three consecutive turns, then it is forced to surrender. WARNING: Beware of Kongbots which have rolled for malfunctioned, they may attack their own teammates! PHASE 2 - Missile Launch Any functioning Kongbot with a loaded Missile Launcher (ML) may fire at another Kongbot with the following restrictions: The Kongbot must be able to trace a clear line of sight to its target. This line of sight must not be obstructed by Arena walls or another Kongbot. Once a missile is launched, its module is replaced by an empty Missile Launcher (EL). This is not the same as an empty module. NOTE: An empty Missile Launcher counts as a valid module when determining malfunctions. PHASE 3 - Laser Systems Fire Any functioning Kongbot with Lasers may fire at enemy missiles or enemy Kongbots. A Kongbot may only fire its Lasers once per turn and must fire all of its lasers at the same target, and at the same time. The Kongbot must also be able to trace a clear line of sight to its target. The following table shows the minimum roll required to achieve a hit during the laser systems fire phase. Type of Type of Dice Total Modifications to Dice Attack Target Required Total Needed ----- ----- ------ --------------- Laser Kongbot 5 + distance -1 for every aimer (in hexes) +1 for every shield Laser Missile 10 + distance -1 for every aimer (in hexes) Missile Kongbot Automatic None outside ECM Missile Kongbot 7 or greater None inside ECM Claw Kongbot 6 or greater None PHASE 4 - Missile Movement All missile pairs are moved one hex toward their target. Missiles may not enter arena walls, but they do follow the shortest path around these obstacles. Missiles may occupy a hex with Kongbots which are not their target or with other missiles. Once a missile enters the same hex as its target, it immediately explodes. If the target Kongbot is not protected by an ECM field, two direct hits are scored. If the Kongbot is protected by an ECM field then a dice roll of seven or greater is required for each warhead (two per missile) to score a direct hit. NOTE: It is not necessary for a Kongbot to be carrying an ECM to be protected by one since ECM's protect the hex they are in as well as the six adjacent hexes which surround it. PHASE 5 - Kongbot Movement Any functioning Kongbot is allowed to move during this phase provided that the number of Retros he is carrying is greater than or equal to the pulse number. Thus, a Kongbot with five retros will be allowed (but not required) to move during every pulse. A Kongbot with four retros is allowe to move during pulses one through four, but not allowed to move in pulse five ... NOTE: Kongbots are never required to move, it is always voluntary. Also, moves cannot be saved up and used later. ie a Kongbot with four retros can NEVER move during the Kongbot Movement phase of the FIFTH pulse. EXCEPTION: The only exception to this rule if for Scout class Kongbots. Scout class Kongbots count each retro as two when determining which pulses they can move in. PHASE 6 - Claw Attack Any functioning Kongbot may attach an adjacent enemy Kongbot during this phase. A dice roll of six or greater is required to score a direct hit. This roll is repeated once for each Claw module on the attacking Kongbot. REMEMBER: Claws are very effective at close range. They are the only weapon which can be used more than once per turn. Also, clawing a Kongbot which posesses an Armor Plate will destroy the Armor Plate AND the Claw. Kongbots Standard Rules of Play A. Building Your Kongbot 1) The Kongbot Chassis All Kongbots are built from standard, completely interchangable parts. This type of construction allows players to build many different types of Kongbots from a single collection of parts. the chassis of evey Kongbot is built from three basic units: the STRATEGIC COMMAND UNIT, at least one EQUIPMENT TENDER, and the MAIN PROPULSION UNIT. Weapons and battle modules are always added to the chassis before a Kongbot is sent into battle. a) THE STRATEGIC COMMAND UNIT The Strategic Command unit contains the Kongbot's strategic logic circuits, it's long-range sensors, and its inter-planetary navigation equipment. Whenever the Kongbot is not in battle, this unit controls all of the Kongbot's electronic systems. Once the Kongbot's sensors and navigational equipment have located the enemy and have moved the Kongbot to within battle-range, the tactical logic circuits in the main equipment tender take-over the control of the Kongbot. b) THE EQUIPMENT TENDER The Equipment Tender is the most important part of every Kongbot. This unit contains the electronic brain which controls the Kongbot during battle. This unit is also the only part of the Kongbot which can carry and operate theKongbot's weapons and battle equipment modules. These modules are attached to the six module interfaces on each equipment tender. There may be one, two or three equipment tenders, depending upon the purpose of the Kongbot design. c) THE MAIN PROPULSION UNIT The Main Propulsion unit contains the Kongbot's main thruster engine (which is used only during inter-planetary travel), and its heavily shielded nuclear fusion-reactor power plant. This advanced reactor gives the Kongbot a nearly endless supply of power for its electrical systems, allowing the Kongbot to wage extended campaigns in distant stellar systems. Kongbot designs are classified by the nuber of equipment tenders their chassis contains. SCOUT CLASS Kongbots have only one equipment tender, and can carry a maximum of six weapons and battle equipment modules. WARRIOR CLASS Kongbots have two equipment tenders, and can carry up to twelve modules. MARAUDER CLASS Kongbots contain three equipment tenders, and can carry up to eighteen modules. Marauder Kongbots are the heaviest class of Kongbot which can be built. 2) Weapons and Battle Equipment Modules There are currently eight standard types of weapons and battle equipment modules which can be used by Kongbots. Like the Kongbot chassis, these modules are also completely interchangeable. All modules are attached to the equipment tender. Each type of module has its own unique advantages. a) THE MANEUVER ENGINE MODULES (Ro) The Maneuver Engine Modules (called "retros") are used to move the Kongbot during battle. The more retros a Kongbot has, the better and faster it can maneuver on the battlefield. A Kongbot that has no retros will not be able to move at all. The main thruster engine is never used during battle; it is simply too powerful for such intricate maneuvers. b) THE HYDRAULIC CLAW MODULE (Cl) The Hydraulic Claw is the favorite close-range weapon of most Kongbots. When used properly against an adjacent enemy Kongbot, a claw can literally tear its target to pieces. the claw is also the only weapon which can be used more than once per turn. c) THE LASER MODULE (Lr) The Laser Module is the most reliable long-range wiapons system ever developed for the Kongbot. the only problem with lasers is that they can only fire once per turn because they must recharge after each use. d) THE AIMING MECHANISM (LA) The Aiming Mechanism Module contains a sophisticated radar tracking device which increases the accuracy of a Kongbot's laser fire. A single aiming mechanism will increase the accuracy of every laser the Kongbot is carrying. Two aiming mechanisms will increase the accuracy twice as much. e) THE MISSILE LAUNCHER MODULE (ML) The Missile Launcher Module is best for the hit-and-run attacks. Each launcher contains one highly intelligent, dual warheaded missile, specially designed for use against Kongbots. Although the target Kongbot must be in clear view at the time of launch, these missiles use a deadly accurate tracking system to follow their target no matter where it goes. Once locked onto a target, a missile can detect and avoid all other objects, including terrain obstacles, arena walls, and other Kongbots. Missiles are a one-shot weapon. The missile launcher module cannot be reloaded during battle, nor can the missiles themselves be reused. Once fired, the Missile Launcher is replaced by an Empty Missile Launcher moudle (EL) which still counts as a valid module when determining malfunctions. f) ARMOR PLATE MODULES (AP) Armor Plate Modules are protective shields made from an extremely strong metal alloy. Each armor plate will absorb the entire force of one claw or missile attack, removing the possibility of damage to other more valuable modules. The armor plate is always destroyed during the attack. g) THE LASER SHIELD MODULE (Ls) The Laser Shield Module contains special matterials and electronic circuits designed to reflect and diffuse incoming laser beams. Laser shields are the Kongbot's main defense against laser beam attacks. Although laser shields cannot completely absorb the entire force of a laser attack, they can significantly decrease the destructive force of all incoming laser fire. h) THE ECM MODULE (EC) The ECM Module is an extremely effective Electronic Measure against enemy missile attacks. The device confuses the intellignet missiles by sending "ghost" images of the target Kongbot to the missile tracking sensors. the confused missile will often attack the ghost, instead of the real target. 3) Kongbot BUILDING RESTRICTIONS Before the beginning of each Kongbot battle both players must build their Kongbots and decide which types of weapons and battle equipment modules they will carry. Both palyers must build the same class of Kongbot (Scout, Warrior or Marauder). Both players must also choose their weapons and battle equipment modules according to the limits adopted for gladiatorial Kongbots (see chart below). Maximum Equipment Loads for Gladiatorial Kongbots Kongbot CHASSIS DESIGN MODULE TYPE Scout Warrior Marauder Retros 3 5 8 Claws 2 4 6 Lasers 2 4 6 Laser Aimers 1 3 4 Missile Launchers 1 2 3 Armor Plates 1 2 3 Laser Shields 2 3 5 ECM Modules 0 1 1 THE Kongbot ARENA Opposing Kongbots always enter at opposite ends of the diamond shaped Kongbot arena. B) PLAYING THE GAME Each turn in Kongbots follows a strict format. Every turn is divided into five equal segments called "pulses". Each pulse is further divided into six different "phases". During each pulse the players are allowed to launch missiles, move their Kongbot, and attack their enemies. 1) Turn Sequence of Play Each pulse is divided into the following six phases: 1) Systems Malfunction Phase* 2) Missile Launch Phase 3) Laser Systems Fire Phase 4) Missile Movement Phase 5) Kongbot Movememt Phase 6) Claw Attack Phase * The Systems Malfunction Phase is only executed once per turn, during the first pulse. This phase is skipped during pulses two through five. The Pulse Indicator Track found below the map is used to keep track of the current pulse. Suggested Strategies 1) When choosing a claw as a weapon, make sure to work your way in close enough to use it. 2) If you think your opponent will choose claw weapons, try to have enough retros to keep your distance so he cannot use them, or carry Armor Plates to detroy the Claw when it attacks. Kongbots is based on a game designed by William Fawcett and Jordan Wiesman. Additional development was provided by Chris Fell, Forest Brown and Ross Babcock. The original rules were written by Tim Orisek. Art work and illustrations were originally done by Mitch O'Connel.